Saturday, May 12, 2012


Training is FUN! It's playing, learning and earning all at the same time!
If we are to browse the net nowadays and search for the Ten most in demand jobs around the world a Corporate Trainer would definitely not land you spot in the top 10. Too bad cause it speaks of many things for most developing countries. Our people or as we call it “talents” in the corporate world is the bloodline of any organization. Grow your people if you want to develop your organization and how do we do this? Go for Training!

As defined by our reliable friend “Wikipedia,” a corporate trainer is a specialized skill development position in a corporation where the goal is to help improve the performance of the employees. The performance areas can range from "soft skills" or "people skills" to “hard skills” relating to specific technical tasks. A corporate trainer assists management in helping out the organizations pool of talents in keeping up with the demands of market.

Training as a process evolved through time. From a classroom type of training to interaction and fun-filled activities all crafted based upon the learning needs of the attending participants.

Training is FUN! Aside from the fact that you learn a long with your participants, you also get a chance to travel to many different places and meet people from different walks of life. More so, if you are fond of dressing up, talking to people and the attention then you’re the best person for the job!

I have not heard of a school offering a degree in Corporate Training but if given the chance, I would love to enrol myself! Being a Trainer does not require a specific course in college. As long as you love to read, learn and develop yourself and others then you can be a corporate trainer.

How much can you earn from being a Corporate Trainer?

It may range from P12, 000.00-P40,000.00 depending on the requirements of the organization.

The Philippines seen by most economists as a “booming tiger of Asia” offers tons of Training firms/outfits suited to the needs of the clients. To know more about them, visit The Phoinix (Phoenix spelled in Greek) Consulting Corporation at


  1. Congrats on your first post daddy!! :)) More posts!! :)

  2. Thanks Nak for the support! (^-^)

    Thanks too for inspiring! You and Kay contributed a lot to this fun art. :)
